Quantum Computing: Revolutionizing Our World's Future

How Quantum Computer Will Change the World?

Next gen computing or quantum computing is estimated to change the entire means by which we stimulate chemistry.

Due to its capability and gigantic processing power, the world can start to stimulate various digital versions of chemical compounds, hence, in this blog, we are going to talk about the possibilities that quantum computing has brought or will bring to our lives. With quantum computing, we have the opportunity to test various theories and predictions regarding chemical actions even without a physical laboratory. So, let’s dig in further without ado.

Drug discovery

We are all aware of the fast that quantum computing can process complex calculations within few minutes it has access to enough qubits, hence, it has proven to be an incredible advantage and tool for pharmaceutical companies as they are constantly striving to test the properties of an exclusive medicine or drug. The usage of a physical laboratory in this procedure requires time as well as a huge amount of money, instead, they would use a quantum computer to stimulate the molecules in a drug and predict their chemical behaviors without wasting any of them. This might seem a small cost, however, to launch a new drug in the market, takes around $1 billion along with years of research work, trials, and clinical tests. Quantum computing is the shortcut to discover new medicines and it has reflected its impact even in COVID-19.


Better batteries

The disposal of batteries has always been a concern to the environment due to the emissions from it that cause global warming, however, the UK government has aimed to eradicate this emission completely by the year 2050 which is still way ahead in future. They are striving to achieve this by ending the sale of diesel and petrol vehicles by 2030 and rely on electric mobility instead of fossil fuels.


Currently, we are dependent on lithium-ion batteries for our phones, laptops and electric cars, therefore, it is dominating the battery technology. In order to become independent of batteries or replace fossil fuels, this technology needs to be advanced so that it becomes safer, fast charging, long-lasting and more sustainable unlike the ones we are using nowadays. Just like in drug development, we can use quantum computers to screen battery materials in a virtual lab saving precious time and money. Not only it will be a sustainable method but it will also be improved research and development for the ecological future.

Cleaner fertilizers

As per the recent predictions, the world population is estimated to increase from 7.7 billion to 9.7 billion by the year 2050. Hence, it order to cater this huge expansion of population and safeguard our future, we need to make sure that we sustain the resources for them.

When it comes to fertilizers, ammonia is an essential chemical or ingredient present in it. Ammonia is produced in industries through Haber-Bosch process in which nitrogen and hydrogen is converted into ammonia with the help of an iron-based catalyst. This process is used by people from over hundred years and still works as a charm for many industrialists. However, the procedure requires high usage of fossil fuel energy inputs making it unsustainable and also deteriorates soil over time.


It is contradicting that plants have the capability to synthesize ammonia through a non-energy-intensive process, however, this chemical process is inadequately understood. Just like the above two procedure, quantum computers can be used to deeply analyze and understand ammonia to extract it through natural means instead of depending on energy from fossil fuels. It will be the most sustainable and harmless way to fertilize crops is stimulated.

When can we expect to witness the impact of quantum computing?

It is true that the problems highlighted above will not be resolved overnight or easily, hut development in this area is happening in its own pace. Associating quantum computing with sustainability has the potential to return huge returns, however, the risk involved is also quite high. It is hard to give an exact date for these developments to come into reality and scalability is the foremost challenge, although, the amounts invested in it by private sectors and the government is still enormous. The question here is not if, but when?